What You Must Know About Waterproofing

malaysia waterproof

Waterproofing your home is one area which is often overlooked as homeowners feel that it is too tedious and expensive. In fact, some are not even aware that their homes are not that well protected from water penetration which can then lead to further problems like leakages.

As such, it must then be made a priority to ensure that your home is properly waterproofed because if there is water retention, it could lead to repairs which could be more expensive. Despite that, before you go out and start insulating every part of your home, there are things that you must consider.


– waterproofing is definitely not the type of work that can be done by anyone. It is actually a job for the experts. You will find that there are a lot of ready-to-use products in the market but those are actually stop-gap measures. If you want to have a long-term waterproof solution for your home, look for the experts.

Common places

– The most common places that need to be waterproofed are actually the most important ones. Bathroom will be your most likely priority. The shower area must be properly and completely sealed which include the walls and the floor. If you have a laundry room, ensure that water that flows out are channeled out of the home and that there are no leakages along the way.

Another location that needs to be waterproof is the kitchen, especially the wet areas. Always check to see if water is properly flowed out of the kitchen and into the drains and nothing is left behind. Other places that you must be aware of include balconies, porches and your indoor gardens if there is one.

Why you need to waterproof?

The most obvious reason is because you do not need water in those areas. When there is water retention in areas that are supposed to be dry, it can be dangerous. Apart from that, it can cause the surface to rot or become too damp over time that it damages the space.

Point to Remember

– if you are planning to waterproof your home, you have to pay more attention to joints and edges which are the most likely places where water can seep through. This is best done during the renovation stage because you do not revisit such spaces after that.

Waterproofing could change the design or distort the aesthetics that you have initially put in place. If that is the case, then you will need to compromise because it is for the betterment and benefit of the home in the long term.